When I began my grief journey, I had initially spent years feeling reluctant to ask for help and was closed off to everyone and not receptive to help from those who were reaching out.
For some reason, it was easier for me to order a book online for support than to tell a friend I had been really struggling with my losses and was stuck in sleepless, sadness filled days. It wasn’t until the last few years where I began communicating about my loss with friends, family and a therapist and began asking for help on darker days when I needed it . Before then, I was constantly searching for things to connect to. I towered self help books beside my bed which stood in replacement of a night table.If you’re not ready to reach out for help, know that it’s ok. A textbook answer for what the grief stages are and how long you’ll be in each doesn’t exist.If you’re beginning your grief journey, self help books are a great way to start the healing process. Here are a few of my favourites that I discovered back when I was right where you are in your journey:
For the last 10 years I’ve had periods of intense vivid dreams. These involved my deceased loved ones and myself in them where I would be crying or convincing myself that it wasn’t real and having conversations with them. When I first began experiencing this it would drain all of my energy the following morning. I now understand that this was my body’s way of forcing me to process things that I kept pushing down while also sending me beautiful messages (that’s how I see it). Journaling about it once I woke up helped me in processing my grief and the messages behind my dreams. I strongly recommend it for anyone who is experiencing these kinds of dreams.
This book helped me in my journey with spirituality when I questioned my faith and had a lot of “why me” questions. It connected and began a shift in my perspective on grief and helped me understand how to work through my emotions in relation to my pain. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve picked this up in the last 10 years. I’ve written notes in it. It’s a special one for me.
Taught me the power of intention and the energy you put out in the world. Made me realize the power and control that I didn’t know I had. Came at a great time when I felt so powerless and hopeless. There is also a workbook available.
Beautiful, short yet in depth poems about being a woman in the world today and the beauty behind the challenges and triumphs we face.
My way of trying to understand what was happening to my dad and search for hope.
Helped with empowering me for what I’ve always been and what I was made to believe was a weakness. It made me feel less alone in my self discovery aside from my grief. Introverts rule!