GGH Blog

Coffee Sippin Appreciation Post (Apr 2, 2020)

To my main circle of powerful strong ass women who accept me when I’m moody, I’m sad, I’m needy, I’m distant, I’m tunnel vision focused and dead set on what I want.

The ones who answer my calls and messages and make me feel that it’s always important at all times whether I’m sharing a medical update, something in my day triggered me, I want to talk their ear off about how a date went, I’m feeling defeated, when I just want to talk because I’m lonely or crying because I just got into an accident and when I’m missing my dad. It’s taken me years to fully feel safe in knowing that this is what I need in my life. It’s made me more appreciative of you and all that you do. I can see things so much clearer since I’ve allowed myself to heal old wounds and continue with the new ones that present themselves during trying times. 


Part of my healing was accepting my situation and appreciating the resources and beautiful people I had in my life. We weren’t in each other’s lives by accident or just coastin’ through it together. We were playing active roles in each other’s growth and picking each other up when we didn’t even realize. Part of taking care is not only feeling the feelings, accepting, reflecting and leading with love but giving gratitude even in the darkest hour. I take pride in surrounding myself with strong women like you who also have a beautiful story to share with the world. 


You motivate me and remind me of who I am on the days where I fall off and I’m struggling. Thank you for always putting up with my resistance and cautionary tendencies. It takes me time to open up, you know this but know that I love you and would do anything for you. I’ve been disappointed and hurt and you make me feel assured. When we fight it hurts me because of how greatly I care for you. I have a hard time with my words sometimes when I’m feeling things so strongly. You already know this. I’m grateful to you for never making me feel alone no matter how much time we physically spend a part, for always making me laugh and not for making me feel like I need to forget about what’s stressing me out but instead for making me feel safe to talk about it with you. You uplift me and have for so long without even realizing it. I love you sis.


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